Fear the Walking Dead (2015) S5 E16
HospitalJazz 1 points 4 years ago.

This season was so bad, it actually made me upset. That’s how awful it was.

But the finale? It was uniquely horrendous in the history of television. To call it anticlimactic wouldn’t adequately describe it, because that would imply that the season was building to an exciting resolution. That is not true. The season was a disaster, progbably the hardest flop of any Walking Dead season thus far. However, even in such a disappointing season, the finale stands out as the absolute low point.

I’m not going to spoil it in this review. But the way this wraps up is so uninspired and half-assed, it actually caused me to become depressed. I look back at all the episodes of this garbage show that I’ve watched. Probably 80-100 hours logged watching this crap. And this is what it leads up to? What am I doing with my life? How did I find myself here? It’s moments like this when I find myself staring into the abyss, when I can hear the universe laughing at the futility and pointlessness of my life.