But I'm a Cheerleader (2000)
somniloquist 3 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

But I’m A Cheerleader immediately flashes its indie cred by casting Bud Cort (Harold and Maude) and Mink Stole (everything John Waters has ever done) as Natasha Lyonne’s parents.
….Speaking of John Waters, this film draws directly from his sense of inclusive world-building. If you haven’t, or haven’t recently, watched Desperate Living, stop reading this and go do that right now….
It’s rare to find hyper colored camp with a heart this human, especially set in something as vile as conversion therapy. The visuals are sublimely surreal and the humor is plenty dark. Oh, and April March was used perfectly on this soundtrack seven years before Tarantino got a hold of her. So there.