Mirrors 2 (2010)
somniloquist 1 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

So you want to make a direct to video sequel of an unnecessary remake of a legitimately good movie? Well, then Victor Garcia is your director. He sure did churn out a stunner with Return to House on Haunted Hill, why not let him try again with Mirrors 2?
This movie turned out like something that was supposed to be used to teach someone English. Everything is spelled out in blunt dialogue, then repeated, then usually repeated at least once more. Maybe that’s needed to justify the flimsy structure that passes for a plot, maybe it’s just to pass the time.
Well, let’s break it down a little and play a game called
—-Opening credits? This might just be the longest opening credits I’ve ever seen on a 4th rate horror flick. So maybe.
—-Mirrors? There are a LOT of them. This is a contender for budget majority.
—-Gary Oldman? No, definitely couldn’t afford him. But they got this blonde bootleg version with an upsetting ponytail situation. Bet he works cheap though.
—-Locations? Most of the action takes place in a single giant building that’s supposed to be a “department store.” It appears to have no “departments” and about 4 things set up for sale, despite it “opening in a week.” But for midcentury architecture buffs, they appear to have a Brutalist breakroom.
—-Psychology consultant? With lines like “the hallucinations are a sign that you’re getting your life back in order”? Nope.
——Special effects glass? There’s one big chunk of it, and it ends up going from shower door to guillotine very quickly. We may have dropped some coin here.
—-Book on mirror symbolism? Possible, but it came off the bargain table…and they shoved everything they learned from it into one hastily spit out monologue. Then they abandon it and have a man’s face reflected in, not a mirror, but… pavement. PAVEMENT.
—-Name tags? There are a lot of name tags. There is a LOT of exposition done entirely through name tags. But I have a feeling they got a deal on these in bulk and just wrote it into the script.
—-Fake blood? A man has both of his Achilles tendons cut, which ought to make an adult male exsanguinate in about 2 minutes, but just seems to paralyze this dude from the waist down in a couple cups of red corn syrup. Budget didn’t go here.
—-Rain effects? Maybe. They do lead to one of the more absurd car crashes in cinema, but they were very clearly aimed over a stationary car. No money for that wind machine, huh?
—-CPR training? Well, this guy alternating breaths, chest compressions, and a defibrillator tells me….No.
—-Andy Serkis? Noooo. Way out of their league. But they got a guy who could do a half decent Gollum voice. And I bet he just worked for a couple day’s access to craft services.
—-CGI? It’s stuffed into every conceivable corner. Corners which, incidentally, none of these characters can see as they all seem to lack peripheral vision. Lowest bidder, sure, but somebody got paid.
—-Cover art? Okay, THIS could be it. Somebody took their time with the cover art. We may have cracked it.
TLDR: Mirrors 2, check out that sharp cover art. Spooky.