Paradise Lost (1996)
drbadass 0 points 4 years ago*.

Yes but Devils Knot is more docu drama, this Show is what happened from when the Kids went missing (A press team was sent) and shows trial footage, interviews etc but all true, interviews with victims familys really good access, Devils Knot is based on true events but as it is a story docu/drama a lot of filling in happens, the Docu’s just lay out what happened. They got good access to court and after the 1st which was going to be a one off they followed the story over the years. I remember watching it years ago and thought the 1st and 3rd were best 2nd imo doe’s some filling time, but worth watching. There is West of Memphis as well

The 3 boys who were murdered are not talked about much due to the case been so big, they went missing May 5th 1993 Steve Branch, Michael Moore, and Christopher Byers. People can remember Damien Echols before any of them so The Murdered boys should be remembered but if someone says the WM3 they mean Damien, Jason and Jesse, if the case had not been as big WM3 would be the boys who were murdered probably.

Jhigh03 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

all good points. i should of said based on, somthing felt off as i was typing that out i just thought that the movie deserveved to be linked here also.