Inside Crime (2018)
dontfwme 0 points 3 years ago.

I am NOT a democrat, however, I can read & comprehend just fine.
I see with my own eyes what Trump has been doing to this great
country I live in!
He is getting rich off the American people and destroying our
country the whole time he has been in office!
And in case you aren’t aware, Jared Kushner (his son-in-law) is in
bed with the Saudi’s!
His daughter, Ivanka, got trademark from China!
Meanwhile he hardly recognizes his other daughter, Tiffany. He
doesn’t even want poor Tiffany in photo-ops because of her weight
problem. It doesn’t look good for his image!
And then,of course, he did his photo-op in front of the church
holding a bible upside down!!
By the way, did you know he never even carried that bible to the church!
Yeah he really believes in God/religion alright!
He wouldn’t know the TRUTH if it slapped him in the face!
He is worried about re-election because he has been indicted
by the SDNY! He will go to jail when he leaves office!

I don’t believe in some of things Democrats say, but I DON’T BELIEVE
Good luck to you and all those who believe in Trump, you’re going to
need it if he is re-elected!

I already see for myself, that’s why he will NOT GET MY VOTE in