Reality Z (2020)
booger 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Along with the show this was based on (Dead Set), ‘Reality Z’ has both comedy and horror along with a heavy dose of drama and tragedy.

While it did set itself up for a possible 2nd season, I felt, that it had run its course.
The ending was both hopeful and hopeless and also promising and disappointing at the same time. (if that makes sense)

First you have this chick who wants every one to have an equal chance at living inside and then you have a ruthless character willing to do whatever it takes to survive and then he capitulates to the 1st outsider who shows up with a little power and then in the end when the girl who originally wanted everyone to be safe and secure inside opened up the other door thus ensuring that the few people that might have survived have an even lesser chance than before?
What The Heck!

After some time to think, I have concluded that the ending was truly more realistic than first surmised, people will always carry their own personal baggage with them, even into an Apocalyptic scenarios, as useless as it is.