Trump: An American Dream (2017)
justmewhoknew -3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

And you think old white man that can not keep his hands off young girls is any better??? LOL At least Trump stands up for America and stop the… oh I am sorry I am American crap… And started putting a end to spending Americans tax dollars on supporting illegals and putting the money to blocking them… There are laws follow them… or are you one of those that think the laws are only good when they benefit your purpose. Hypocrites Only believe what the main stream media wants you to believe… look up and do research yourself on all the candidates instead of what everyone else is saying… Other then this pandemic we are in Trump had America going in the right direction again… Companies were starting to come back to the states… jobs were up… but then again you Pelosi groupies probably think the covid19 is his fault… I mean it is his fault The dems totally destroyed health care… back when Pelosie said you have to pass it to see what is in it… and Obama promising your current plan would not change and you can keep your doctor… HA you blinded brainwashed pupils

Liberace's Ghost 12 points 3 years ago.

There is just an incredible amount of information in your post that is so wildly inaccurate. I’m almost impressed that you’re able to fit that much incorrect information and complete detachment of reality into one rant. Congrats. Alas, you’re entitled to your beliefs as we are ours. Cheers. Have a good day.