The Omen (1976)
PonderThis -1 points 3 years ago.

I have yet to watch this movie or any satanic movie! When I was in junior high when the “Exorcist” was released. I wouldn’t go see the movie and I doubt that my mother would have let me. But the radio station would play the theme song from the movie (I listened to my transistor radio am station, fm radio wasn’t popular at that time)late at night and it unnerved me so much that I would turn the radio off and grab my bible and slept clutching my bible all night. I was so glad that the song finally dropped off the top 25 playlist!

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

heh :) I remember it as well made, well acted, great story and quite amusing .. but scary it was not :) I guess I didnt believe in gods and devils even back then .. but for instance The Fly (the black and white one) had a massive effect on me because silly as it was, I did believe in science :) Probly a lesson in that for folks writing scarey stories