Hanna (2019)
PacificLilly 1 points 3 years ago.

Yes, it is hard to explain without spoilers. I have finished season 2 now and have started writing a review of it, but nothing I care to share at the moment, bc it’s just my ramblings and not put together. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, I just saw the notification of your reply here… I have been unwell and totally stressed out.
But back to your question (without spoilers) Season 2 was very different from season 1. I would say it feels like it lagged for some of the season, to me had a kind of “Nikita-esque” feel but as the season goes on it does develope a bit more, or get back a little bit to original storylines…. it did not end the way I thought it would but I was okay with it and happy with how the story unfolded. Others may like it or not, everyone’s different. But in my opinion, it is definately worth a watch… even just to see how it unfolds. I don’t know if this helped at all but I hope it did. Best wishes! pretends to do a cool karate chop Hanna style lol.