Greyhound (2020)
Jhigh03 3 points 3 years ago.

I’m actually curious what your thoughts are on your Commander In Chief and Epstein. Based on some of your prior statments you don’t seem to think it will affect him the same as it may Hollywood and celebrities. Not trying to throw pot-shots and nave this devolve into a pissing contest(that’s why I’ve marked it as a sp[oiler, as to hide it)I really am interested in your thoughts on this.

antiflake 4 points 3 years ago.

well I have seen the pictures of Trump with Epstein and even how buddy buddy they look together. But in that hobnobbing lifestyle that’s what they do especially when paps are around. As far as other things, I have read that when Trump heard of the allegations against Epstein he banned him from mar a lago and at some point said he should be investigated, also, if the leaked flight log is real, Trumps name is not on it. So with that it makes me lean to the side that Trump has nothing to do with this fiasco and is not involved in any illegal way. That’s my thought on it. If I’m wrong, then I eat crow. Have a good one.