Snow White (1916)
Ditzygypsy 1 points 5 years ago*.

Noooo. It’s a Grimm’s Fairytale from the early 1800s, lol. It may even have been a folklore story passed down through oral traditions from before that, but it was definitely published by The Brothers Grimm. I doubt any residuals were paid out to anyone for the story by the time either this or the Disney film came out in the 1930s. I think it’s probably a public domain kind of deal, but if the original publisher of Grimm’s Tales was still in business when this version came out, maybe they received something from these filmmakers.

FYI, these are all also old Grimm’s Brothers’ fairytales that may have been around even before the Grimms published them in the early 19th century:

Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Puss in Boots, Rapunzel… . I never really watched Disney movies as a kid and preferred Elvis movies, lol, so I’m not sure about all the movies that Disney made, so there could be more. It was very cheap to use these time-honoured tales as plots for movies. They made a lot of money.