Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016)
Themoo 13 points 3 years ago.

‪It was just discovered that the lead writer for Tucker Carlson Tonight, who hosts the top rated cable news show in modern television history, is a full fledged white supremacist.‬

‪Not hyperbole.‬
‪His name is Blake Neff.‬

And he has used an online pseudonym for years in which he has been explicitly racist and advanced white supremacist ideas.

In a recent article, Blake Neff said, “Anything Tucker Carlson is reading off the teleprompter, the first draft was written by me.”

It’s the top show on cable news.

And it has been written by a white supremacist

ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

Themoo, with all due respect, there is hyperbole there.
I’ve spent several hours going over this and have every quote they’ve come out with to date.
I’d like to list them here only for ‘context’ yet won’t for sake of this good site.

I will say, his username was CharlesXII and ‘yes’ there were some racist and sexist comments however your claim of ‘full fledged white supremacist’ and ‘advanced white supremacist ideas’ is not accurate.

It’s a site like 4chan directed toward lawyers and law students that’s not moderated. He mostly responded to ‘subjects’ that were far more racist and sexist than his comments. It could be argued ‘Blazing Saddles’ is far rougher than the comments he made.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not defend him, only here for context, fairness and Tucker’s show because you also wrote, ‘And it has been written by a white supremacist’. You ‘imply’ unfairly there.

Blake was the top writer there a few years now and wrote at the publication Tucker recently sold his share in. Blake is used much however, Tucker goes over the material with all writers as well and puts his own in as always. Blake also contributed to Tuckers book Ship of Fools.

I’ve had unsavory people work for and with me yet, I wasn’t aware of what they did nor said in their personal time nor saw it in the workplace. Yet if it did come within, we’d get it out.
Guilt by association is a dangerous harmful thing so, Blake should be accountable for Blake, not Tucker.

And what I do know of Tucker he wouldn’t have approved. Believe it or not, many in DC from both sides and within the journalism/news world like Tucker. Spend time with him. Think he’s very sharp, friendly, generous man who has a big heart, lots of empathy and would be there for you in a second.

I’ve watched Tucker for years and since Fox, nearly every single show he’s put out. And must say, do not agree with all he states (whom ever does with anyone) yet like any diamond, you dust the dirt from it.
And I’ve found far more diamond than dirt and better educated for it.
I wish more people would be open minded enough to give things a chance because even some of the smallest fruits give the sweetest tastes.

There may be more to come out, we’ll see. Yet he handed in his resignation Friday and Tucker will address it this coming monday.
Thanks for the time Themoo, it’s appreciated. Have a ‘Great Day’ :)