Captain Marvel (2019)
finigan1 -5 points 5 years ago*.

What does a persons personal opinion about a topic have to do with whether a movie is good or not? Absolutely nothing!So are you all gonna stop watching jennifer lawrence movies and many other actresses/actors and stop listening to many musicians music because they made a sex tape? Or stop watching tom cruise and travolta movies because they are scientologist’s? Or movies shows and music because they are gay? Her personal beliefs have nothing to do with the movie, and anyone who would boycott anything all together just because they don’t agree with someone in it, is very petty and ignorant.All that matters is, is it good or not, all the rest of it is bullshit.Not liking someone for personal reasons is fine but that doesn’t have anything to do with someones creativity and performance which is why we watch and listen.There are many famous people I despise as a person, but they are still great at what they do, so I don’t care if they are assholes or not. Truthfully for one of them to actually start the heated battle I have seen here is hilarious and funny in a really hurting and childish way.