The Alienist (2018)
PonderThis 2 points 3 years ago.

Season one was finding the killer of young boys which was hard to watch. But, I’m not sure if I can take season 2 after watching episode one. Another dark season it looks like and yes, it is for affect but I find myself in a bit of a mind numbing wrecked state of mind after watching this episode. I’ll give episode 2 ago and see how I feel once it is over.

PacificLilly 2 points 3 years ago.

I’ve been keeping an eye out to see if you posted what you thought after you watched episode 2… I’m not sure if I can or should watch this series, for the same reasons you mentioned previously. Did you end up watching the 2nd episode of this current season, or did you hang it up after episode 1? I’m very curious to find out what you think of this current season, if you continued it! Even though season 1 is very dark and is about one of the most heinous types of crime, bc it involves children, is it still worth a watch bc it is so well done and or bc the storylines are so good? Is season 1 worth a watch without season 2??
Ps. Thank you so much for writing reviews! When I check out reviews for a show or movie I’m thinking of watching, I always look to see if you’ve written one! ☺ You write then so well and always have such thoughtful reviews! Thank you and major kudos!