Captain Marvel (2019)
Marsh-mellow65 -2 points 5 years ago.

*So sorry I worded it wrong. It was never called that before till the last few yrs, it was basically the KKK, now anyone is called Alt-right if your not a Democrat or if you like President Trump!
Here’s a funny cool little break down of the right.. lol ..I wish they had one on the left. You might not like this guy but it’s a good break down of different groups on the right. Doesn’t mean I agree but I found it interesting.

Themoo 1 points 5 years ago.

“anyone is called alt right if you’Re not a democrat” No. Simply.. no. People like Richard Spencer proudly call themselves “Alt Right” - and throw Heil saltues, while chanting “Heil Trump, Heil Victory!” - these same people march at hate rallies while chanting “Jews Will not replace us!” and.. Trump calls them “Very fine people”.

No, Alt-Rights… are just nazis who switched to suits. They flat out admit to this when asked about their political ideologies. I mentioned Germany before - the NPD and the AfD are extreme right wing parties, with the NPD being literal nazis. They showcase Trump, Bannon, and people like Spencer as their American counterparts and ideals.

When Nazis look to you as a role model? You have fucked up.