Captain Marvel (2019)
Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago.

Just b/c we have differing views doesn’t mean I’m being defensive. I pointed out what all that research led me to. And just b/c you haven’t seen any harm, doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Cheers.

Doto -1 points 5 years ago.

Re: just b/c you haven’t seen any harm, doesn’t mean there isn’t any……So what is there to do if you can’t prove something is happening? There is zero proof of chemtrails (just proof of ppl making money off the fear) and there’s zero proof of harm….What move then can be made? I don’t have one that won’t be a waste of time. There must be something tangible. This stuff is Alex Jones, and Anti-vaxxers, etc etc stuff. I say don’t waste your energy on it, at least till there’s something tangible. conspiracies are a money making industry