Project Power (2020)
JadeEnigma 9 points 3 years ago*.

Not yet, but I never said I had. I was going by the description and had, just the day before, actually watched a season 4 episode of Supergirl where a pill gave people temporary superpowers. I wasn’t casting aspersions on this film at all, bt making a simple observation. Your angry vitriol is misplaced, I’m afraid. I will be watching it today.

greyfur 0 points 3 years ago.

Was no ‘angry vitriol’ to it, but a simple observation. From your comment it would seem to indicate you were making a comparison. Might want to be a bit more specific. Save the butt hurt. And by all means, please, feel free to shoot yourself in the face with that damn glitter cannon, that childishness is getting really old….