Night Into Day (2020)
rdmovieman 2 points 3 years ago*.

Okay flick if you have nothing else to watch. Seems like they made the entire movie on a budget of $5,000 and used their parents camera equipment to shoot this movie. The acting and camera work are mediocre, it seems like every single shot was in close up. The background music sounded awfully familiar, sounds very similar to the movie Up. The entire movie pretty much was shot in a studio apartment, no outside scenes except for 1 in a car. Not saying the movie is crap though, just giving my opinion. I’m sure they did better than I ever could. Give it a shot if you have nothing else, I’m a huge fan of apocalyptic movies and shows so I tried it out

Frac -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

was yawn for me