My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys (2020)
cloroxbleach 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This was… disappointing. While “Open Secret” seemed like a true effort to expose this nasty side of Hollywood, “My Truth” appears to be Feldman grabbing at straws to stay in the news. I think the main thing that bothers me is that Haim’s mother begged him not to exploit her dead son’s memory (and trauma), yet he chose to anyway. And he chose to do it in a heavy handed, indelicate way that I don’t think most would do if they felt it was absolutely necessary to include. The way this film was promoted was also odd. I tried to not let that effect how I viewed the film, but it definitely is in there. Overall I’d say that while it’s about time someone started naming names and raising awareness in the name of protecting children, I don’t think Feldman is doing this simply out of concern for victims. Please don’t think I am calling him a liar, I definitely am not. However I think that “the truth” shouldn’t be presented in this “I sold horror stories to the Daily Mail” tabloid sort of way, seems insulting to the victims. It’s obvious Feldman is wrestling with his own issues after whatever happened to him, but he’s still in a Hollywood mindset whether he admits it or not.