Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
justmewhoknew 6 points 3 years ago.

WOW!!! If you really do your research and not listen to fake news… You will find more white people are shot by police then blacks and if they would listen to police and do what is asked of them instead of resisting from the get go then it would be a non issue. But the way people are so smug and rude nowadays no wonder tempers flare and things get out of control. I mean look at the example Pelosi puts out there. Tears up the Presidents speech, disobeys her own laws and blames other people. This is what the USA is coming to. Going backwards not forward. YIKES

valaura 1 points 3 years ago.

they are trying to repeal the civil rights act. so going backward is an understatement.