Cuties (2020)
Ditzygypsy 13 points 3 years ago*.

No, it’s not “aimed” at preteens. It is autobiographical. You have no idea what it is about or what you’re talking about, but do keep blathering on. You still haven’t watched it and are in no position to critique either the style or the content. It doesn’t seem like it wouldn’t go over your head anyhow, so maybe just don’t bother and keep your comments about movies you haven’t watched to yourself? And the pedophile we had evicted from a nearby building had a stash of Hannah Montana DVD’s. That was his go-to viewing to satisfy himself. This movie has a message that you are clearly too obtuse to comprehend.

etim 4 points 3 years ago.

Damn. Now is when I wish we could upvote more than once.