Cuties (2020)
elb11 10 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I did watch the whole movie, I’m a mama and a grandma, that being said, it was mostly sad and heartbreaking to me because you see a preteen girl adjusting to adolescence under extraordinary circumstances, new home, no friends yet, family dynamics changing unwillingly and all the while trying to still be a good daughter/sister. It was hard to watch some of the actions she took but sadly its what the majority of girls her age and even boys that age go through every day. If you’re an adult now you’ve been through it too, it’s called HORMONES! But it’s also what they see every day, it’s on TV, music videos, video games, movies, celebrities, older siblings, parents, other family members, friends, at school, on the streets, in everyday life sadly and especially the MEDIA.

Was this childporn? Not in my opinion, was it too risque for the age of the actors, yes in my opinion. But unless you live in a dark colored bubble this type of thing happens all around us all day long sadly.

I drove a school bus for many years in a very rural, small town and the middle school kids were the worse kids to deal with, the things I would have to break up or write up or report about was ridiculous and why, because they are going through that horrible age when all they want to do is grow up fast, do what the adults are doing, explore all the new feelings and urges that are racing through their bodies as they adjust from being children to being teenagers etc (been there, done that).

If you read the info about the movie in depth as I did before watching it you’d see the author was speaking from what she went through and trying to bring awareness to
and for parents about what their kids are most likely experiencing so that maybe the parents will be more attentive to their kids, in this day and age of every one having access to the internet and having a TV or computer/video games babysit their kids, which is in almost 80% of the households nowadays.

Did it need “may contain adult material warning” probably not in my opinion because everything that was shown was what you see on most local broadcast tv channels. These girls are actors, the main character’s actor was 14 yrs old, the others were the same or younger, would I personally let my daughter at that age play that part, nope, but that’s how I was raised and how I raised my daughter, but their parents may have other ways of dealing with things, do I agree with their decision, nope, but wasn’t mine to make. Would I want to see my 2 granddaughters acting like these girls did, no way, but sadly just because you raise them a certain way doesn’t mean they will always act that way.

Pedophillia is a real thing sadly and I for one do not feel it is normal, no way, no shape or how, so the best we can do is teach our kids right from wrong and what to be aware of, keep a vigilant awareness of them and their surroundings, and hopefully your kids won’t ever feel the need to reach out to strangers for love, reassurance or feeling of self worth. If you’re an adult and you watched this movie and felt sexual stirrings of any kind, that’s not a good thing in my opinion. If you watched it and felt outrage and disgust, well that could mean different things too in my opinion. If you watched it and felt sadness and were heartbroken then you are the writers audience, because you will be the one to be more aware and try to make a difference for your kids growing up, again my opinion.

The dubbing was horrible truthfully, and I have to have subtitles since I don’t hear as well as I’d like so that made it even worse with the outdated terms and lingo they were using for the English language dubbing. The videography was normal looking to me but like it was done from the ‘90s. The culture differences were very apparent in their geography/language compared to what I’m use to in the USA, and yes somewhat shocking as to what the “Auntie” did with “Shaman” but it may be normal in their culture.

If you don’t watch it you shouldn’t comment on it. We ALL have different opinions on what we like or don’t like, that’s whats called being individuals. I don’t like horror, gore or scary movies yet I’m not trying to get them removed, I just don’t watch them, simple as that. I thank the uploaders for their work, otherwise we couldn’t watch all the stuff we watch. But a lot of people are jumping on a bandwagon they don’t or won’t try to understand the true meaning behind before deciding to destroy it, and that’s not right. If you think this film is bad you should watch the movie named KIDS from 1995, it’s on here look it up, its from USA, New York no less, and see how those kids act, it’s another semi-biography of the lives of more preteens at risk following them for like a few days. It will open your eyes to what’s out there and you will hopefully watch out for your kids better.