Hungry Ghosts (2020) S1 E4
SweetMamaJoy67 1 points 3 years ago.

I watched the last episode twice now and again I cried my eyes out. I had a feeling about the photographers daughter, and i was right. I knew the wife will choose the best choice and she did. The last piece of the puzzle was a surprise to me and I cried when I realized what it was and how it was brought to light. It made me miss all that I’ve lost in the last 30 years and each time I remember, it doesn’t make it easier, but harder to keep going. I am a coward, just like the old man, and i will wait until my natural time comes. I won’t allow anyone or anything bully me into an early pass, so this will end, in my own time, just like theirs. I’m glad to see that i”m not the only one with the same thoughts and feelings like the writer. It may suck getting old, but at least my memories won’t be lost. Loved it and wish there was more, but it was brilliant and memorable.