Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) S18 E28
Eelectric 5 points 3 years ago*.

Oh boy.. gonna be a tough one to sit through, not because of the guests (looking forward to Bernie), but there’s a lady in the audience that laughs way too loud and way too often, i’m only 1:58 minutes in and starting to develop cringe cramps, hope she turns it down soon..
EDIT: The guests were good.

expresso 2 points 3 years ago*.

You know, I can relate. I feel sorry for him. Maher is a classic road comedian and it throws him off not to have that pack of animals out there in the dark to play off of. He has been struggling with covid. Funny how the most loudmouth opinionated people don’t automatically have the outrageous self-esteem they project, because they need adoration from a huge crowd. Sound familiar?? ;)

It’s hard for all of late night. Their timing has been destroyed. Some hosts have gotten better at adapting over time (Colbert).

I try to remember that they can only have around 5 people in that huge room. And every single one of them has been asked to make reactions as if they were 20 audience members.

Desus & Mero are pretty much masters at this. I think this is because they are not road comedians and have been doing a podcast for a decade. And, it helps that they have a producer who jumps in and does ‘color commentary’ from time to time (much like Charlamagne the God’s show). Larry Wilmore’s show also very good at overcoming this hurdle.

Sorry, Bill. Covid sucks. I still watch.