Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) S18 E28
Eelectric 2 points 3 years ago.

True, Bill does need that audience, even if they’re fake, Ben Bailey (another stay-at-home comedian with a podcast) also uses canned laughter as white noise basically.
I understand that the few audience members do pitch in a little extra to compensate, but yeah.. it doesn’t always work out so well.
I mean, it wasn’t the worst, but i also don’t specifically need to see/hear audiences to begin with, but Bill insists on being Live, so yeah, it comes with the program.

But yeah, it does sound familiar haha.
Mr. Cough-a-thon never ceases to show his insecurities to the world.

I really like how Seth Meyers dealt with it, i’d almost say the show improved without the studio audience.
I loved how his monologues and Closer Looks became more and more absurd with the addition of all the characters.
Too bad it’s slowly turning back to the old format.
I kinda turned off from Colbert since covid, although he did improve, but i just haven’t been feeling it lately.
Trevor actually got off the best, his transition was pretty good, as Seth started off the worst, but i think Seth also grew the most.
Although, i haven’t checked on Fallon, Conan, Kimmel or what’s his name, Corden, since i never really watched them to begin with. I like Conan, but i just never really watch him.

I haven’t given Wilmore’s show a go yet, i used to like his old show, Grace Parra’s “Nightly” bit used to always crack me up.
I kinda miss The Opposition with Jordan Klepper, his show was similar to the Weekly with Charlie Pickering, but for USA, and i liked the “reporters” on it.
They also kinda started with pointing out the gaslighting that people are talking about a lot now.

But yeah, didn’t intend to write this whole story haha, thanks for reading

expresso 1 points 3 years ago*.

Wilmore’s new gig is good. He’s just so wise. You should do that. I agree Seth Myers was better imprisoned in an attic. I hung in there with Colbert during home imprisonment but don’t like him broadcasting from his office. I don’t watch Corden either, but there was a bit when everyone was in a gap and he was still on. He set up his garage as his studio. He’s the most tech savvy and he was quite watchable. It’s ironic about Maher - I think Maher’s standup is always kind of shitty but his interviews and panels and closing are outstanding. He has to do what he has to do to connect with who he sees himself as, but the rest of us need him to be the other thing.