The Walking Dead (2010) S9 E16
8STORY8 2 points 5 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I mean seriously can you imagine back 1, 2, 3 seasons finale’s ago (albeit six years ago there time), imagining Negan would save Judith? I got the heart-feels when Negan lifted up Judith and put her over his shoulder, held the dog, limped along, thinking about if Rick could only see this now - (which begs that whole thematic question can people change? redeemable?) wow, neato. And that moment when he tries to make Judith laugh with that “dog better poop golden nuggets” but she’s more worried about his leg to laugh. Then, omg, he leans forward and puts his head against hers but for a brief moment…dudes, to me, that’s amazing movement in a story from bashing heads to that and it’s believable. <3 wowza

Jhigh03 1 points 5 years ago.

cool input, i would have agreed with you until his commits to michonne at the end “ nobody ever thinks theyre the bad guy”. reminds me of a quote i heard before and dont know who said it” history is written by the victors”