Bad President (2021)
Franco 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Some elements of the Electoral College, such as the indirect vote through intermediaries, were hotly debated at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. It was eventually justified in part as a stopgap to potentially reverse the vote if the people elected a criminal, traitor, or similar kind of heinous person. The Founders wanted to empower democratic elements in the American system, but they feared a kind of pure, unrestrained democracy that had brought down great republics of the past. It is a means of protection from a Killary, Gropin’ Uncle Joe, or a Crazy Pelosi. Infanticide touting dems would even make the Almighty blush in revulsion, if HE wasn’t omniscient.This is more MSM trash. Time to bring on the unredacted Brennan notes on Hillary/Obama Russia hoax, and the server emails. Take down the whole rotten house, and bring back the republic. Scum the whole lot of them !!

etim 8 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Obviously the system doesn’t work. A “criminal, traitor, or similar kind of heinous person” was elected. By a minority. And then kept in power by that same broken system— even after being impeached— and then enabled to keep committing the most crimes of any other prez. in history.

“Killary”? trump has killed more Americans by far than any other prez in history.
“Gropin’ Uncle Joe”? trump repeatedly bragged about his history of sexually assaulting women— and lusting over underage females, even his own daughter.
“Crazy Pelosi”? If trump’s 4 years of total batshit behavior doesn’t prove who the crazy one is, at least believe the many high profile psychiatrists, psychologists and respected republicans who agree with that assessment.