Bad President (2021)
etim 8 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Obviously the system doesn’t work. A “criminal, traitor, or similar kind of heinous person” was elected. By a minority. And then kept in power by that same broken system— even after being impeached— and then enabled to keep committing the most crimes of any other prez. in history.

“Killary”? trump has killed more Americans by far than any other prez in history.
“Gropin’ Uncle Joe”? trump repeatedly bragged about his history of sexually assaulting women— and lusting over underage females, even his own daughter.
“Crazy Pelosi”? If trump’s 4 years of total batshit behavior doesn’t prove who the crazy one is, at least believe the many high profile psychiatrists, psychologists and respected republicans who agree with that assessment.

ObserverMI 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It does work.
How is he a criminal? How is he a traitor? Those are powerful words with ‘nothing’ to back them up, just parroting of a false narrative.

It’s not broken, it’s brilliant and protects the minority vote. I suggest study about it, know it then come to an opinion.

His impeachment was based on frustration that he won. It was based on a ‘phone call’ that we all heard and was fine. We now find out that Brennan’s notes show that Hillary paid for a ‘Russian Dossier’ to try and frame Trump through Michael Steele a former British spy with ties to Russia. Those are facts, not the spin of a frustrated left.
Nancy ‘abused’ out system out of frustration and nothing was found.

What crimes did he commit? Too many toss these ‘false narratives’ yet never support them. Just telling a lie often enough does not make them true so, what crimes?

Trump killed no Americans, another false narrative. IF talking Covid, they estimated at best 200,000 lives lost, if the Fed did next to nothing, 2.3 million. And ‘China’ sent that virus to the world not ‘Trump’ so why put it on him?
Dr. Fauci, Gov Cuomo, Newsom all the govs are ‘on the record’ for what a good job he did, gave them everything they asked for ‘and more’.
He gave CA and NY ‘ships’! They didn’t even need them. He built them hospitals, enacted the wars power act and brought private and public together to make PPE that was depleted by the Obama admin and built up every state so they now have a ton.
They asked for ‘ventilators’ and Trump had companies band together and ‘make them’, so many in fact that not one single person went without one and, we’ve so much he stocked every state ‘and’ giving and selling them to other countries.

He ‘bragged’ that he ‘could’ grab them, not that he did.
And who really cares about boys locker room talk. It’s what the person produces.
We hire a ‘manager’ to run the country, not a saint or priest, right?
IF he or she does a good job, then that’s what we need.

Agree with a partisan leftist ‘assessment’? When did they ever get their doctorates let alone study him as a real doctor would? Never. Just more BS to try and paint a narrative.

People may not like Trump, fair enough. Yet I’ve studied his ‘actions’ and he’s not only broken over 30 stock market records, he’s made the lowest unemployment for blacks, hispanics, whites, asians and women. He’s actually ‘increased’ wages by over 800% compared to Obama. He’s done more for the black community than any other President by way of employment, wages, funding the black colleges when even Obama didn’t.

He’s also the first ‘non politician politician’ I’ve ever seen that actually kept the promises he made.
Promiseskept dot com
Magapill dot com
There you can see for yourself what he’s accomplished.

IF you take the emotions and partisanship out of it and just by stats and facts go over his record (Oh, don’t forget too, the middle east peace deals, being the first President in over 40 years to NOT get us into another war, and in fact pulling our service people ‘out’ of harms way, putting our embassy into Jerusalem as every other president promised and never did yet ‘he’ did, re-did the trade deals with Mexico, Canada, Asia, stopped China from ripping us off intellectual property as well as currency manipulation and brought manufacturing ‘back’ to our states when both Dems and Repubs have been sending them ‘out’ to China and elsewhere the past 16+ years and much more),,,,,
IF you take the D and R and emotions out, and his abrasive personality, he’s been a Very accomplished President and for our countries betterment.

Those are facts and stats not emotions and hyperbole let alone Lies.
Some may not like him yet, his ‘record’ when looked at is in fact, incredible.