Bad President (2021)
maxx.black2 3 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Time to disband the electoral college and bring back the five party ballot. Screw this having to declare when you register. Time to start paying the senate, the house of representative, state assemblies by the hour at minimum wage, take away their allowances, free rent, free cars (give ‘em bus passes) and healthcare…put a stop to those junkets and fact finding missions…install term limits for all elected officials, and equalize the terms for all the elective branches, you fillibuster or deadlock on a vote-you all get sequesterd together, in the assembly or senate floor…social security isn’t a cookie jar to be used for anything other than what is was intended for. Tax breaks for businesses that threaten to relocate ? screw that, revoke their US patents, formulary and proprietary rights, bounce them off the US stock markets and make them pay us back all those breaks they’ve been given, hold them accountable for any irreparable environmental damage…lock up those ceo’s and board members. Close the unfair tax loopholes, make lobbying (of any kind), illegal. These folks that we elect are supposed to represent “we the people”, not special interest groups. Capital Hill is nothing but a giant carpet that needs to be shaken out, hosed off and put out to dry. I’m not a socialist nor a communist, just a pissed off American…Stop the bullshit, level the playing field, and get your elected heads out of your collective asses dammit…

Slimwhiteman 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree for the simple fact that nobody can name one of their state’s electors. All we know is they are probably wealthy white males. If you don’t know who elects presidents in your country, why bother casting a ballot.