Years of Living Dangerously (2014)
8STORY8 1 points 3 years ago*.

I just watched an episode that was airing on Free Speech TV, which was S02E01 and I’ll never be the same again. It’s on climate change. I wasn’t heretofore a denier by any stretch, but I was not even close to as concerned, and motivated to do as much as I can to be a part of the solution, since watching hence the “please watch” to pass the knowledge forward, to warn, to promote education, as I am now.

I came here directly, after watching to see if the documentary was here. Its placeholder is here, but no links. I have requested them minutes ago. Thank you linkers. UPDATE: As of presently, there are 9 full episodes, which is the entirety of Season 1 available on the Years of Living Dangerously You Tube Channel.