Enola Holmes (2020)
PacificLilly 3 points 3 years ago*.

Thanks for the sneak peek Robo. I had no idea this movie existed until now. I’m really looking forward to seeing this! Thanks for always helping the rest of us here find cool movies and shows to watch!

And major kudos, thanks, hugs and gratitude to all of our Primewire link posters, uploaders and the like!!! You all are always so on top of things, put in so much time and effort so the rest of us can watch any of our shows and movies as soon as they are available! But I was flabbergasted, super surpised yet again!!! To be able to watch this the day before (or the day of depending on timezones) when it is released is fan-flipping-tastic!!! It’s almost like magic!!!! Thank you all, sincerely, so very much for all of your hard work, time and efforts!

Honestly, Primewire and all that the volunteers do/contribue for us here is, to put it simply… Is a blessing to me. I am disabled and often can’t go or do many of the things I want to. (At least not now/yet. I am still hopeful to get better/heal, eventually) So, I 1,000% rely on coming here to chitchat/discuss, and watch, all kinds of shows/movies! Being able to watch these shows/movies and have fun cinema discussions (and keeping in touch with my PW family about life and etc.) are often times literally my only way or means to escape my complicated medical issues, pain, stress/frustration, boredom (even more so now being quarantined bc of Covid-19)! Getting to watch shows/movies let’s my imagination run free and keep my mind engaged and learn new things! I honest-to-goodness don’t know what I would do without this site and all of you wonderful people who keep it running! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 🙏🙇💌😻🥰♥️

EchotaChick 3 points 3 years ago.

PacificLilly, hi! We should compare notes! For a minute reading your post, I thought, “When did I watch Enola Holmes and write this comment?!”