The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
ace 4 points 3 years ago.

As a kid, I had to beg and wheedle my family so I could watch this. I was literally first in line to see Star Wars. So much first-in-line that I was actually pushed through the plate glass doors to the theater by the crowd. Hard to imagine now what a real game changer for scifi Star Wars was back then. Throw in the fact that I was the prime target demographic, a 13 year old boy in 78, and you have a kid that really wanted to watch this.

So you can imagine how utterly and completely crestfallen I was when this steaming dog turd was shoved into my eye and ear holes…shudder.
It was brutal.

As I write this, I am reminded that one Christmas my old man got drunk and pissed off and shot the TV while I was watching it. Pinocchio in Outer Space, I think. In hindsight, I kinda wished he’d shot it again the night The Star Wars Christmas Special aired…