Love and Monsters (2020)
rhawthorne81 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

ok… lets be real tho.. whos going to have more of an advantage? an animal that sticks to its core instincts? or a human who is constantly distracted by systematic offerings? No.. i dont want to hear anything political. im just being real. yes.. the dog is the heart of the movie. the human is the one with the awakening. thats the point. lmaooooooooo

roystervi 1 points 3 years ago.

That guy is just slow, its really his thing in every movie he’s in. Same to be said of Adam Sanders. Water-boy was a hit and Adam Sanders been playing a dummy there after. Maybe this guy look up to Adam Sanders as an Idol. The little girl was right, “He’s stupid” lmaooooooooo