Glass (2019)
ShugarCat 2 points 5 years ago.

Jhigh03, I have no idea who you are or what you are accusing me of, but your comment to my post comes across as mean and insulting. I take it James, who ever he is, is some sort of a threat to you otherwise you would not be sending such replies to peoples honest posts.

Shame on you!

It so happens I am not a dude, I am female, and I do not appreciate your rude and uninvited comment that has absolutely no relevance to me or my review of this film. So I would appreciate it if you would delete what you wrote and if that is not possible an apology would be nice. Oh and by the way you need to proof read your input as your comment is full of typos, well either typos or you have very poor spelling and grammar skills … or perhaps you are just too lazy to review your work. Again, Shame On You!!!

Jhigh03 -1 points 5 years ago*.

Sorry for the typos, your right, I was being lazy. I sent a pm sent to explain. Hope there are no hard feelings, it bothered me that i might have upset you as that was not my intention. And the use of the term dude in relation to gender is more or less unisex around my way.