Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
AnyCheekiBreeki -3 points 3 years ago.

You’re being disingenuous. Saying that major changes in policing need to be made,is not the same as wanting the police to retain the same or higher level of activity. You’ve used a logical fallacy, meant to deceive people who don’t know how to spot them on their own. This is a known dirty trick, used by career politicians, especially leftists like the Clintons, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and the likes.

Anyway, here’s a direct quote from the gallup poll I was referencing:

“81% (referring to black Americans) want police to spend same amount of or more time in their area” “ most Black Americans — 61% — want the police presence to remain the same. This is similar to the 67% of all U.S. adults preferring the status quo, including 71% of White Americans.

Meanwhile, nearly equal proportions of Black Americans say they would like the police to spend more time in their area (20%) as say they’d like them to spend less time there (19%).”

Here’s the link to that poll:

Now, you’d probably want to use another one of the leftist dirty tricks, which is to try to refute the poll’s finding by claiming that the source is biased, but you can’t do that since you yourself used a gallup poll as reference, lmao. Don’t worry though, I’m sure know by now that you can contradict yourself as much as you like, as long as it’s not under the same comment, just like the leftist media and the blue checkmarks on Twitter do. Need examples for those too? I can give you plenty. though you probably don’t want me to, since you don’t have the luxury to cut my feed off and pretend like you’re having “technical difficulties” or block me on Twitter and pretend like you didn’t see my @ or simply claim racism, which immediately grants you protection from any accusations and hard questions thrown your way.

grasshopper rex 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m being disingenuous? You claim that BLM don’t represent the majority of Black Americans wishes yet a September survey by the Pew Research Center shows that some 87% of Black Americans say they support the movement and the share of Black adults expressing strong support for the movement is 62%. Can I get a fake news? Hallelujah!