Black Summer (2019) S1 E2
YgraineDance 4 points 5 years ago.

The site is back up recently after suffering massive issues (hacking?) and so movies, shows, links are being added daily to rebuild things. Once upon a time, there were thousands of us commenting on every show/movie you could imagine, and messaging friends etc. etc. but all that old material was lost when the site went down. Some of us have returned—-but many friends I had here were scattered to the four winds and I’ve never found them again on this or any other site I visit. People like myself are slowly adding comments once again…but I imagine it will take quite a long while for the sheer volume of traffic we had in the past to materialize here. BTW, welcome. This is a great place, with splendid links.

greyfur 1 points 5 years ago.

Yup, sad to see the old one go, but we can rebuild. Shot you a friend request.