Dark (2017)
Odie 2 points 5 years ago.

I gave up on this series when I first started, but had to come back to it because it was way to intriguing. I am glad I did because once it all comes together Its totally worth it. Second season cant come soon enough.

Jhigh03 4 points 5 years ago*.

It definitely is a slow burn. i found it to be about 1/3 mystery, 1/3 scifi and 1/3 character study and personally the slow character driven story almost always fails to keep my interest. I think watching with subtitles really helped to pull me in (i’m not usually a fan of subs either)and i’m so glad it did. The pay-off will make your brain hurt, in a good way I wholeheartedly agree with you on the finale, Not since Lost have I been excited for the end ,then as soon as its over, frustrated by the wait until the start of the next
With that ending their are so many directions this show could go in. If you enjoyed the twist from Dark then let me suggest Predestination, https://www.primewire.li/movie/628437-watch-predestination
I rarely watch movies more than once and this I have seen at least 3 times