Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
finigan1 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

As in every american presidential election , people are given a choice between 2 morons. A day before the election I think its pretty obvious racists and bigots have the upper hand as per usual. So there will be 4 more years of the orange man. “Make America Great Again” is really an oxymoron, it has never been great, in fact it gets worse and worse with each passing day. The entire world thinks america is a joke, thats when we are not trying our best to pretend it doesn’t exist. Is that offensive? I am sure most would think the truth is very offensive, how dare I say what is known by all to be true. So cancel me and this comment as you do everything that doesn’t fit in your petty little worlds, even though I have the right to say it and its entirely the truth. Having a bunch of idiots online thinking they can control what other people think and say is absurd , and I for one will make you look stupid with every one of your hateful comments and down votes that are not deserving of an honest and truthful comment, and what many are fearful of saying because they will have backlash. You can’t say that is pretty much saying you have no rights, you are nothing. If that is true then why do you all get so offended when some nobody who doesn’t matter speaks the truth?