Finding Noah (2015)
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Franco -4 points 3 years ago.

What makes you an expert? No flood stories predate Noah’s. What everyone is missing is those stories were passed down from Noah’s family. Only Noah and his family survived the great flood. Everyone else died. Everyone here presents their own conclusion, but without proof. There is geological proof that this cataclysmic event place. The Word of God has mountains of historical proofs confirming not only the flood, but also past civilizations as described therein. Archaelogical digs of that past centuries used biblical accounts in many instances to find cities,and nations that once existed and are no longer there. The rest comes by faith, that there is an entity greater than ourselves. No one could argue that the 10 commandments are bad thing, yet it is unlikely the solely man wrote them. Because if we are honest with ourselves we can’t fulfill them, so why would man write them. God the Christ, comes into the equation. Only he could direct path of man, for only HE is the way to life. This comes by faith. But I scarcely believe there is a person here that hasn’t pondered what really is right or wrong. There are as many opinions about the flood origin, as there is to what is truly evil, to where do we come from? The rest comes by faith. I believe the Christ is God, and HE rose from the dead. Paid for my sins, because I couldn’t fulfill His sinless mandate. And has transformed me, and promised me an eternity with HIM. Sounds weird right? Is it any crazier then what is touted as science,and being told that our existence is meaningless. And that after our death is nothing. Deep down we know this cannot be. If you have ever spoken to a war veteran, he will tell you God exist in every trench when death is all around you..there are no atheists. They believe in the God of self or another.