Ammonite (2020)
LittleFurnace 4 points 3 years ago.

Beautiful, understated piece about what you can uncover with a little time and patience. It’s not so much in the style of a love story as it is a scientific study: it doesn’t need to dress everything up with sweeping orchestras and pretty colours, becuase what’s there is beautiful on its own if you care to look.
The movie pays particular attention to women who didn’t neatly fill their roles in society during that period; women suffering from depression, loss and heartbreak and didn’t hide it, women wanting to be more than just wives and mothers, women as real people with thoughts and feelings.
Sadly seeing that is still a novelty in this day and age, and it’s still misrepresented and misunderstood, but for those who are interested this film is enjoyable from the first moment to the last.