Conscious Capitalism (2016)
kahnwiley 12 points 3 years ago*.

This is a common logical fallacy known as the “No True Scotsman” fallacy. Basically, any positive example of socialism is “not real socialism.” But any negative example is definitely the real deal, of course.
I have no horse in this race (I think it’s a false dichotomy) but you could at least avoid argumentative fallacies when making your point.

Franco -2 points 3 years ago*.

Another failed academic, noting nothing, as per usual, but claiming everything… a typical socialist. Socialism is simply a failed form of communism, which is its natural progression…ultimately. You know what brings people, together, and prevents wars….trade. That’s right economic trade. Provide or offer me something to purchase, and I will endeavor to develop that relationship, as opposed to killing you. It has proven the test of time. Academics like to make much of their usual socialist hyperboles, but never provide any real world examples that were successful..never.So instead they theorize,conjecture, speculate, and pretend things haven’t worked out because it simply hasn’t been done the right way. They’re narcissists by nature pretending to self-immolate, when in reality it is impossible for them to deny themselves. Something akin to the Klaus Schwabs of the world, who think they are above everyone else.Why do u think we are in the crud we are in now? He is of the same ilk, and has cost millions of lives, not from an exaggerated pandemic, but rather from economic capitulation. And there is far more lost lives to come. Socialists are delusional, and full of themselves. For the communal good they tell you.Right. Just ask my cousins who live in Venezuela.You’d think one would learn this from a simple novel like Animal Farm , or Lord of the Flies. Simply dangerous Nonsense.