WandaVision (2021) S1 E1
mikebcarguy 2 points 3 years ago.

I urge People to think with their hearts and not their heads. Remember Wanda was grief stricken when Vision was killed. Remember her abilities hadn’t stopped developing. Now, remember the Wandavision commercials made it seem as though she’d brought him back from the dead, almost as if in an alternate universe…?
I won’t pretend to know comic book lore, I don;t know these characters’ comic book back-stories, BUT, I know Wanda & Vision’s story together was cut short, and one of those on-screen deaths I don’t think I’ve recovered from. I’m inclined to trust this show for quite a while longer…call me simple, but every on-screen kiss between the couple is an emotional pay-off for me and their were quite a few in this episode!