The Rachel Maddow Show (2008)
MarkRowley 5 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Collusion debunked by several Obama administration staff under oath including Susan Rice which even CNN reported on and can be found online on their website, bounties still not confirmed other than a “anonymous insider” and I’m sure the pentagon has denied these claims. Nice try though but this guy Maddow is due to have his show downgraded to fictional entertainment.

dw99 5 points 3 years ago.

I’ve searched the websites of CNN and the NYT for Susan Rice + collusion + Trump — there is no mention on either of Rice saying that collusion didn’t occur. So why don’t you provide specific dates, sites, and keywords to back up your assertions?

As Tip O’Neill said, you’re welcome to your own opinions but not to your own facts. And Ms. Maddow — very bright and very well-educated — deals in facts.

Nice try, though.

PS: Your slams about her gender call into question your objectivity.