Sons of the Neon Night (2021)
[User deleted] 1 points 3 years ago*.

Have you requested this in the proper forum?

EDIT: Sons of the Neon Night is an unreleased Hong Kong crime thriller film written, produced and directed by Juno Mak and starring an ensemble cast led by Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Sean Lau, Louis Koo and Gao Yuanyuan. Production for the film began on in June 2017 and wrapped up in March 2018. Wikipedia

coffeeninja 1 points 3 years ago.

I can’t request this film, because it hasn’t been released yet, and there’s a high probability it will never see the light of day. As I pointed out in my comment the film is being reviewed by the censorship board of Hong Kong, i.e. the People’s Republic of China, and given that it touches on a few topics the PRC doesn’t like to see adressed in a movie it is more than unlikely it will be given a go without major recutting. Even recutting is no guarantee a movie will be allowed to run internationally as we saw last year with Xu Haofeng’s THE HIDDEN SWORD which was retracted from the Cannes Film Festival two days before it was scheduled to premiere (three years after it was finished, btw) and has vanished completely in some secret vault since then….