Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
Aunty_Fa 4 points 3 years ago.

Knowledge… Belief… Those on all sides of the ol’ God, no God debate, seem to use these terms interchangeably depending on which side they’re backing.
In regards to your question (and here I would like to acknowledge that there a difference in the way ‘religion’ was used in your original statement, where it was “…Any religion…” which denotes multiple religions juxtaposed individually against Atheism, and then your response to me where the “any” is dropped, religion therefore becoming a singular entity vs Atheism. I am responding with the original usage in mind), I would have to say that there is no hard and fast answer to that as religions are incredibly varied, deciding on the opposite would have to be case by case.
There is no religion, to my knowledge, with “God exists” as it’s only aspect. Which Atheism would obviously be the flip side.
The way God or Gods are thought of and considered to be existing also differs, the concept of God as a singular conscious omnipotent being is definitely not present throughout all religions. Which is the concept of God that the majority of Atheists would deny as being true.
Oh, also if you’re wondering where I stand; Atheist (omnipotent being = nah)

Just as an aside; Your treatment of morality I find to be somewhat lacking, especially as there is no way to say that the way we human presently is the only way for humans to human. Morals aren’t all naturally derived, we invent, alter, change, what we consider to be moral, i.e. a moral code

booger 1 points 3 years ago.

You are right, I could have been more precise, my usage of “Any Religion” was vague and generalized. But considering that my words were in response to a post that had ‘both sides’ and ‘Muslims or Jews’, words that I interpreted as meaning the other side of christianity is islam and judaism, well … I just didn’t feel the need to, my bad. To clarify my position on religion: It exists. It is artificial, just like ethics and morality and language and war and peace and the computer you are using, We made it All. It is not that I disbelieve in god(s) or religion, I just know what they are, to use an analogy; The opposite of love is not hate, both of which are very strong emotions, but apathy. Like I said, just Humans being Human, it ain’t complicated.
P.S. Sorry for the late response, we are experiencing an ice-storm in my area and the power went out for a few hours, so I took a nap.