American Gods (2017) S3 E5
ac1d 3 points 3 years ago.

ever since the spider (nancy) stooped writing the characters backgrounds this has turned into filler (not killer) season could probably condensed this into 8 or less episodes and left out all the drivel and would been tight writing (possibly ?)- so many series this year that have just not kept up the hype that they originally created

Saucer-People -1 points 3 years ago*.

I agree, firing Orlando Jones who played Mr Nancy was just one of many stupid decisions but I doubt even tightning up on the number of episodes would make an iota of difference when the script writers allow dialogue like this episode’s exchange between Shadow Moon and Biliquis:
“the journey to spiritual awakening is better with french fries”.
I could not understand the season 3 detour into the woke universe until i read an interview with Ricky Whittle/Shadow Moon and it all became illuminated:
“what they did was create a writing room that was roughly 10% cisgender straight white male and the rest was female, black, Latin, native, LGBTQ, formerly incarcerated, biracial and what that does is give you authentic representation telling true stories. It’s about inclusivity, about representation and about those voices giving us the voices.”
While I applaud giving every writer a chance regardless of their race, identity or background, having the ability to tell ‘true stories’ does not automatically make them good stories and clearly the makers behind season 3 have forgotten this.