Big Sky (2020) S1 E9
GrrawentheNormal 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So they are taking the credit for almost killing the kid and themselves, when all they had to do was nothing and wait for the battery to die. All three would be dead if the Tesla wasn’t apparently magical and can go from a hundred kph or so to zero in ten meters on a damp road. There was absolutely no point in dressing the mother up as the kid, they thought it was him for literally a minute, maybe if the house didn’t take forever to blow up. Also don’t close your eyes when swinging a damn axe.This whole episode was a giant Tesla commercial.

snazzydetritus 0 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Heh, yeah, they made sure to demonstrate the features: “…and, look! if you leave it on autopilot, it has a safety stop component!” But as far as letting the battery run out, they mentioned that that wasn’t an option because they were rapidity approaching a residential area, which would’ve put the kid and the residents in danger. I must agree that so many aspects/events in this show are just laughably ridiculous. But finish I must!