Game of Thrones (2011) S8 E6
macca420 2 points 5 years ago.

And just like that. Poof. It’s gone.

PacificLilly 2 points 5 years ago.

I know!!!! It’s finished, finito, gone. Like you said, “Poof” and gone. 😟😔😢😭
And not only is it now gone…. I dont know what I was really expecting, but it wasnt this! This wasn’t the type of ending I was hoping, thinking, or wishing could happen. I wouldn’t have ever believed this epic show would have ever, in my humble opinion, sorta fizzle out while on its way out of existence. I’m not implying anything, there’s no spoilers here, the whole episode wasn’t what I expected in every way with every character. Im not even confused about it all, I was sorta just depressed about it all and still feel sorta jipped/ riped off.

It’s over and gone, and now I’m just sad. 😭😭😭