Debris (2021) S1 E1
xWoodyx 1 points 3 years ago.

“it’s like FRINGE “
Those are some strong words.

I don’t know you, you don’t know me, but I will now watch this to see.

Hey, that kinda rhymed…just saying that if someone invokes a show I like to describe a show I have not seen then I will investigate…so, thanks.

pryme 3 points 3 years ago.

It’s worth checking out for sci-fi fans but dont get your hopes too high. It’s like Fringe in the sense of having strange phenomena that defy the laws of physics but it’s not at all epic or emotionally engaging like Fringe was, and like TisOnlyMe said, it has no interesting characters (and I’m not very impressed with the actors).

The first episode was just ok, not great, but it may still end up being a good series after the plot develops further in future episodes. I didnt like certain aspects of the main plot of the pilot, which I wont specify here so as to not spoil it for anyone.

Highly doubtful it will be anywhere near as good as Fringe even in best case scenario but that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong (and very much hope that I am, I want this show to be great!). In any case it’s nice to have a new show somewhat similar to Fringe even if it ends up being not nearly as good.