Just One of the Girls (1993)
TisOnlyMe 2 points 3 years ago.

I can’t understand why this zany teen movie deserves an ADULT CONTENT warning? Apart from a very brief shower scene with quick glimpses of boob there was nothing sexual or weird about this comedy, not even kissing, just a typical 80s teen flick, made in ‘92! I just re-watched this..saw it decades ago on TV and thought i’d jog my memory seeing it here. It’s actually funny and quite sweet and sensitive in fact, none of the crude humour we saw in similar movies of this era. It’s almost exactly the same story (in reverse )as ‘JUST ONE of the BOYS” with Terri Griffith? Anyway, nostalgia, this is a funny, high-school/ mix-up identity movie if you wanna watch one.. i especially enjoyed the music, funky synth.. Yo! :))x